♥ Saturday, February 28, 2009
HEY YA'LL, camp was awesome, dude!
It's kind of sad, I'll miss the campsite and zee, sunshine, and the other instructors.
Anyway, the first day was fun, kayaking and dragon boating, but it rained real heavily.
But we got to do everything.
Me and joyce were completely not synchronised at all for kayaking.
And the only unfun part was the bump on my head, don't worry about it farah!
Cooking was funny, we ate up most of the noodles before cooking it cause we were too impatient.
Dragon boating was fun too, and we lost only cause we didnt know it started already, and had a hard time synchronising because of that.
Showering was damn gross, and it was unfair cause we didnt have time to bathe, so i only managed to shampoo my hair, and the whole toilet was flooded!
On our way back, after the heavy rain, there was a nice rainbow ;D
Anyway, we won for the most spirited class on the first day!
The food was good on the first day, then it just got worse and worse.
Oh and we came up with different cheers and all.
Then on the second day, during the zipline, ruiting so kindly gave up her spot for me cause my number was like the second last, but she got to do it anyway, if not i would have felt so bad.
Thanks rui ting!
After that was some team thingy.
I was the first to cross over, with gale and izzah as my spotters.
Then the second time i kept slipping at the wet part of the first log, cause my shoe was gooey and wet below.
After a few tries, denise was like "Just skip the slippery part lah!"
Or something like that, then i did and got across without a hitch after that.
Then, after a horribly plain lunch, it rained!
So we stayed at the chalet.
Didnt get to do all the cool activities.
But for one game, we screamed so loudly i nearly lost my voice, and gale and denise lost theirs.
During the campfire i was sleepy?
I needed to pee so badly, so after I couldnt take it anymore, i went.
I was so tireddd.
Then i started perspiring and shivering.
Haha i was in a foul mood.
Then the campfire item was kind of disorganised due to some lastminute changes.
After that I just really needed to sleep.
So I slept before lights were off.
Then next day, we left camp, and I went home and accidentally slept, then bathed, then celebrated my dad's birthday.
Happy birthday daddy!
My bed is so damn comfy okay!
I slept, and woke up, and i caught a cold.
I think thats why i was shivering during campfire.
Then watched marley and me.
Dont watch it, its so sad!
Or at least, if you're gonna watch it, just know that the dog in that show didnt die, and is super pampered, and a celeb in real life!
Okay anyway, gotta go, this post is super long.
AERIN./7:47 PM
♥ Friday, February 13, 2009
Well, okay..
That totally sucks.
It's on thursday and coach isn't gonna be here on tuesday.
You know, I really don't want Chelsia to quit just cause she can't connect.
I connected today but it sucks, cause of my horrid backdrop.
And I connected at the later part of the day.
4 hours of killer-training, so I was super tired.
Gosh, it's so unfair.
There are 7 eligible people who can compete.
And only six will enter the competition.
That means one girl is out, and it might be me or chelsia.
Which means zero CCA points.
It also equals to "byebye JC".
And chelsia can't connect, but the rest of her routine is damn nice.
If either one of us can't even be a reserve, we'll have to quit.
Haha. I need my CCA points dude!
Life is so unfair.
I hope on tuesday and thursday I dare to connect.
Germaine's front pike is so nice!!!!!!
Oh yeah, I wish ya'll a happy vday!
AERIN./11:23 PM
♥ Friday, February 6, 2009
Life totally sucks.
But whatv.
Anyway, failed my maths.
11/30, which totally sucks.
Joycelyn got the same marks.
Haha, omg, life sucks.
I haven't told my dad. He'd be like "You should've studied more! Everyday use the comp somemore."
Yeah, but so many of us failed lah!
And I twisted my ankle.
Great huh?
And then went out with jade and wenyuan.
Me and wy left first on a cab, cause jade said she'd meet us there.
Then while in the midst of the jam jade told us to uturn back, but there was no way to, so she got pissed.
Who knew her swimming thing would be so short?
We didn't, and neither did she.
Haha, so met her at kfc and we ate very suckish lunches.
Then went heeren, bought a belt.
Wenny bought leggings, buying one for jade first.
Then bought chocolates.
Jade, left.
Me and wenny went taka, bought files.
Basement, bought tori-Q, and the fish thing.
Then saw a nice wallet and I encouraged wenyuan to buy it.
It was only 15 bucks like wth.
So she bought it.
Then went home.
It was hard, limping everywhere.
AERIN./5:45 PM
♥ Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Today I was super sleepy in school as usual.
Yeah, anyway, I probably flunked both my tests.
I wanna do well, but it's just so hard to get myself to do work!
And yeah, I got full marks for tingxie and I don't have to go for remedial.
I got lost while going to chinese class cause I didn't know it was in the comp lab, and I've got so much homework!
Yeah, whatv.
Okay, I'd better go do.
And oh no, tomorrow have gym!
AERIN./3:05 AM
♥ Sunday, February 1, 2009
Omg damn sad.
I was looking through my photo albums,
Gosh, what happened to me?
Anyway, I've got tons of homework, did some, but haven't started studying.
I dontknow what to study.
AERIN./2:06 AM
♥ Thursday, January 29, 2009

OMG so tired, I absolutely felt like fainting during gym training, so damn tired to start with, gym only made it worse.
Well, cause I couldn't sleep last night.
Oh, CNY kind of sucked, I just stuffed my face with food and didn't collect some of the ang baos I should have collected.
And, I have SOOOO much homework I don't know why I'm blogging, and I finished my AF presentation yesterday!
I have left it half-done for the longest time.
I thought it was kind of short but joycelyn said it's really long.
Wenyuan's moody today, and today wasn't a good day for me either.
I hate school,
I never learn anything there.
My attention span is just too short,
and I get distracted and fed up and bored and give up too easily.
Front-pike connect scares me.
Okay, but you don't need to hear about me.
AERIN./2:48 AM
♥ Saturday, January 17, 2009
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMY!Hey darling, you are so cute! Have a happy birthday, may your birthday wishes come true! God bless.
Okay, so i havent posted for a long time now.
School has been completely hectic, and gym scary. What with front pike and all.
I'm such a chicken.
Anyway, 2SE is pretty cool.
At first it was sort of quiet, now it's much noisier.
I've been keeping real low profile, so my teachers won't notice me and start picking on me like last year.
Yeah, so I'm much quieter now.
Uhhh, I still miss 1PE really much. Yeah.
Okay, so today had gym, so scary, mr lim came, then my front pike was so inconsistent and scaryyy?
As I wanted to go home earlier, mr lim gave me a hard time.
He was all "why" so I said hip hop make up lesson for an excuse, then he went on about me not being able to connect, and that if i want to "hip what hop" can do it while training. Well, whatever.
And we have to run 2.4km every week now!
Anyway, went home earlier, watched tv.
Played with my darling dearest chowchow.
I wish my precious darling dearest pipi were still here with me.
God, please take good care of pipi.
Bathed, went to hiphop.
BOOO, hip hop was the last lesson. So sad.
Uh, learned the hardest dance so far.
I made a fool out of myself.
Cause if cheryl/shanice/jade, you see this, you'll know who "act pro" is right?
Anyway, this is what happened.
Patrick: You and you in the corner over there, come to the middle. (Points)
Me: (freezes up, hides behind wenyuan)
Act-pro: Moves a little to the middle.
Patrick: Eh, the one in the corner, hurry up come to the middle of the class to demonstrate!
Me: (keeps quiet)
Patrick: Eh you, don't ignore me, the one with the beer can on her shirt. (It is a coffee cup, mind you)
Me: I don't want!
Patrick: Hurry up just come, stand here.
Me: (Went there reluctantly)
Whole class: (stares)
Patrick, act-pro, me: (starts dancing, then I stop and starts to laugh)(after it was done, ran back to my place)
Wenyuan and kerri: (looks at me with a "why" expression)
Patrick: Why are you so shy with the (tries to mimick my mumbling of complaints) It's a privilege to be called up here. Are you kind? It'slike helping others. Like if you want to help the poor, you must be rich. To help the dumb, you must be clever! Help them out a bit lah!
Haha he's so full of crap.
Omg, so embarrassing, I just stood there laughing. Haha.
And i was totally making a fool out of myself.
Okay, but whatever.
Now i've got tons of homework left untouched and my mama's birthday is tomorrow, no time to complete, ahh.
AERIN./5:21 AM